Human Rights in the Age of Globalization

Human Rights in the Age of Globalization

Do you know what is human rights?

There is no governmental association or public body that grants us human rights. However, they do represent an important part of the human experience as well as some administration of human rights. Therefore, every single person is taking benefits from these fundamental rights. Regardless of gender, race, nationality,  color, religion, language, or any other characteristic. This may also include the most fundamental, the right to life, and those that are necessary for a happy existence. Such as the rights to liberty, food, housing, work, and health care.

1. Economic Disparities:

Globalization brings economic unity, but it has also widened the wealth divide. However, the entitlement to a decent standard of living increases in certain places as money does. Therefore, it frequently puts in jeopardy access to jobs, healthcare, and education.

2. Transnational Corporation:

There are multinational corporations in the state that have a significant influence on human rights. This is because of their growing strength and influence. However,  International law is required to ensure that business practices are morally righteous and that corporations violating human rights are held accountable.

3. Refugees and Migration:

Rising levels of global interconnectedness have resulted in unprecedented amounts of displacement and migration. This is because the rights of refugees and migrants are regularly violated, and international legal frameworks are necessary to protect their dignity and general well-being. As it is among the biggest concerns due to drastic changes in specific economies.

4. Degradation of the Environment:

The right to a healthy environment is directly impacted by the worsening environmental issues brought about by globalization. To advance sustainable practices that uphold human rights and resolve transboundary environmental challenges, international law is crucial.

The effects of globalization

In economics, globalization is associated with the rise of capitalism as a system, which is often based on the idea of self-regulating markets. According to some, globalization has raised living standards and promoted economic independence, even while the gap between rich and poor is getting wider overall. All of the data regarding human rights that I acquired from the articles created by the Cheap Law essay helped. Therefore, globalization has also had an impact on the privatization of public goods and services, such as security, water, health care, as well as even prison administration. More recently it has been seen that other products—like pharmaceuticals or seeds—have been listed as economic goods in trade agreements.

What are the negative impacts of globalization?

Let’s dive into it! Human rights are becoming more and more dependent on international and global sectors and organizations in this world of globalization, including media outlets, multinational enterprises, and others. They are no longer the only concern of national participants. The term “human rights” has taken on numerous interpretations due to the inclusion of political and economic aspects in addition to cultural ones. The negative effects of globalization are still common, despite continued emphasis on promoting world peace and building a more “just world.” However, some serious issues like hunger, poverty, injustice, inequality, and isolation continue to plague many communities.

Globalization Impacts on Society:

While talking about globalization how can we forget its impact on society? WE SHOULD NOT! Because due to globalization policies, the rich are becoming rich and the poor are becoming poor. And if we take an example of how it has been affecting society.

The best example to showcase what globalization can do to our society. And why it has been changing the way we live and think. Firstly, if we look at digital businesses today, So, you might find out that English become the most dominant language to make a digital presence internationally. And it decreases the value of local culture and languages in front of their own locals. Which reduces the loyalties with it. And that would have been very dangerous if not understood or any action taken.

Another aspect that you should understand about it. As, because of this the countries that are in power or have the power to take action, decide to trade with rich countries. And economies that have been improving drastically. Which directly affects other poor countries. And those countries become more poor and it creates chaos in those countries.

The Function of Global Law

1. International Human Rights Treaties:

States must abide by a variety of international accords to defend and advance particular human rights. However, two examples of these accords are the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). These agreements set the groundwork for international accountability. While circumstances involving specific people can be looked into, as can some crimes against humanity, such as genocide.

2. The International Criminal Court, or ICC:

It helps to create an atmosphere of accountability and discourages flagrant abuses of human rights.

3. The United Nations Human Rights Council, or UNHRC:

The UNHRC keeps an eye out for abuses of human rights throughout the world and responds appropriately when necessary.

To ensure that states respect their international legal duties with consideration for human rights. However, the council employs resolutions, examinations, and recommendations.

In conclusion,

The defense of human rights has become an increasingly difficult global issue as globalization makes the world a smaller place. In light of this, international law offers a crucial framework for navigating the subtleties and complexity of the modern human rights environment.

A thorough and persuasive legal framework is necessary to address the issues brought on by globalization. Such as mass migration, economic inequality, the power of multinational businesses, and environmental destruction. International law provides the essential instruments to traverse this difficult terrain.

Important texts like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as organizations and legal systems, support this. Nonetheless, nations, organizations, and individuals must work together for international law to be effective. States must cooperate to fortify and uphold international legal systems as we manage the difficulties presented by globalization. Furthermore, campaigning and civil society organizations are essential in making governments and other organizations responsible for violating human rights.

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